Submission services

  • This initial service will review development application (DA) documentation to determine whether there are sufficient planning grounds to object. Our town planner will coordinate a site visit to discuss your considerations and better establish possible planning grounds. What follows is a preliminary assessment of the DA against relevant state and local planning controls to determine whether there are any reasonable grounds to object.

    If sufficient planning grounds are found to warrant formal planning objection, the DA Audit will categorise these grounds into ‘Issues’, with a brief description of relevant planning grounds.

    Each Issue shall be ordered by ‘Issue Weighting’, based on the strength of any planning ground(s) that could be used to contest the application, severity of the regulatory non-compliance and impact on your property.

    Should the DA Audit uncover a sufficient number of issues with a high issue weighting, then a Principal Objection could be justified with a reasonable opportunity of success.

  • If sufficient grounds exist to object (as identified in the DA Deficiency Audit), a planning objection can be prepared by iObject to formally seek amendment or refusal of the DA from Council. This detailed submission service will counter any erroneous arguments made within the applicant’s planning statement, known as the Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE).

    An iObject Principal Objection (Counter-SEE) will offer a detailed rebuttal of any absentia and/or misrepresentation within the applicant’s SEE.

    This main submission will address the potential negative impacts of the proposed new development on planning grounds, utilising the same regulatory framework and language used by councils in assessing DA’s.

    iObject’s Town Planner will dispute any false claims by the applicant’s SEE that neighbouring site(s) will have their amenity protected by the development. Using professional planning argumentation, we will lobby Council to safeguard your access to sunlight, views, privacy (acoustic and visual) and other applicable planning rights.

    In addition, our extensive experience preparing and refuting Clause 4.6 Variations [applications seeking to exceed Local Environmental Plan (LEP) development standards] will ensure that major breaches in floor space ratio, height or site coverage are robustly contested.

  • iObject offers neighbourhoods the opportunity to object to a DA of concern with our Group Principal Objection (Counter SEE) service for group objectors.

    If sufficient grounds exist to object (as identified in each neighbour’s individual DA Deficiency Audit), a planning objection can be prepared by iObject to formally seek amendment or refusal of the DA from Council. This detailed submission service will counter any erroneous arguments made within the applicant’s planning statement (SEE).

    This allows neighbours contending with a range of issues (whether identical or different) to split the cost of an objection. This combined approach can benefit objectors looking to save on the cost of a comprehensive objection.

    This main planning submissions will address the potential negative impacts of new development on planning grounds, utilising the same regulatory framework and language used by councils in assessing development applications (DA’s). 

    In addition, neighbours presenting as one united front can have greater potency in conveying the gravity of the community impact. By decluttering the number of varying solutions sought to remedy architectural plans, a group objection can offer an attractive and less contested avenue towards resolving amenity concerns. And should the DA proceed to a planning panel for determination, panellists will more than likely be looking for consensus among the community in framing their final decision.

  • iObject offers residents of a residential flat building (RFB) the opportunity to object to a DA of concern with our Strata Principal Objection (Counter SEE) service for strata objectors. This combined submission would cover all strata units within an RFB, representing the Strata Committee or Body Corporate.

    If sufficient grounds exist to object (as identified by a combined DA Deficiency Audit for the entire RFB), a planning objection can be prepared by iObject to formally seek amendment or refusal of the DA from Council. This detailed submission service will counter any erroneous arguments made within the applicant’s planning statement (SEE).

    This allows a body corporate representing all unit holders within a deposited strata plan to finance a combined objection, without individual residents having pay the full cost of a comprehensive objection.

    iObject can provide a strata objection with approval of the president/head of the Strata Committee (the ‘Primary Objector’ representing the Strata Body).

  • iObject provides property owners the opportunity to object to a Section 4.55 application (modification to an approved DA) of concern with our Section 4.55 Objection service. This main planning submission will address the potential negative impacts of new development on planning grounds, utilising the same process as with a Principal Objection. 

    This detailed submission will counter any erroneous arguments made within the applicant’s planning statement (SEE) accompanying the Section 4.55 application. iObject will provide a robust planning rebuttal wherever the proposal unreasonably exceeds council planning controls, ensuring any major breaches are fully scrutinised.

    Our Town Planner will dispute any false claims by the applicant’s SEE that neighbouring site(s) will have their amenity protected by the development. Using professional planning argumentation, iObject’s Section 4.55 Objection will seek to safeguard your solar access, views, privacy (acoustic and visual) and other planning rights from being compromised.

  • It is not unusual for amended plans to be resubmitted to council, particularly after feedback provided to the Applicant by the assessing officer. If the Applicant resubmits amended DA plans containing issues that persist (warranting further objection), then a Response to Amended Plans can be prepared by iObject and submitted to Council.

    This written submission shall offer a summary planning appraisal based on our evaluation of the revised plans, which includes the following:

    • Further actions that should be taken to perfect the plans.

    • Rolling design failures that disregard concerns raised in iObject’s initial Principal Objection.

    • New issues and/or neighbourhood impacts produced by the revisions.

    • Depending on the severity of the non-compliances in question, the submission will request that council either refuse or amend the amended plans in a specific manner.

Supplementary services

  • Our most successful outcomes are the ones we have been able to negotiate from the very start of the assessment process. To this end, our consultants stand ready to advocate on your behalf, negotiating with DA officers at council, representing your planning rights before decision-makers.

    Following lodgement of iObject’s Principal Objection we recommend ongoing negotiation services to ensure the officer assessing the application takes heed of our submission.

    Ongoing professional expertise during this phase will advocate for the planning concerns raised in iObject’s Principal Objection, as well as any subsequent Response to Amended Plans.

    To ensure your objection receives fair consideration, we will engage in regular liaison with the DA officer, any address any technical matters of contention requiring further discussion (in person if required). iObject will therefore maintain a line of communication with the DA officer right up until a decision is made. 

  • Should architects/draftspersons be required to provide demonstrate non-compliances or further detail alternative solutions, iObject can source and manage these parties upon request.

    In addition, should external consultants (eg. geotechnical engineer, stormwater engineer or heritage consultant) be required to further support claims made within the Principal Objection, iObject can source and manage these parties upon request.

  • Depending on the nature of the proposal and level of community interest, the DA may proceed to a Planning Panel for determination. Should this occur, iObject will arrange for a consultant planner to represent you at this meeting.

    Our public advocacy before the Panel will cover the following matters, as required:

    • Issues that persist with final plans under consideration

    • New issues created by amended plans

    • Solutions for the panel to consider

    • Engaging with Panelists on technical matters (where called upon).

    iObject staff will also provide professional planning advice, pre-panel support and consultation with at all significant moments.

    NB: Typically, most DAs will NOT proceed to a panel meeting for determination – and will instead be determined via delegated authority (i.e. by council’s assigned DA officer).

  • In the post-determination phase, the applicant may file an appeal with the Land and Environment Court (LEC) for a merits review of a deemed refusal by Council. During this phase, iObject can provide any Expert Witness or oral evidence in relation to our Principal Objection and any subsequent Responses to Amended Plans.

    Throughout the Court appeal, iObject will regularly liaise with Council, the Client and their solicitors by providing expert evidence and professional management services with Council and their representatives. In seeking to protect your amenity against possible incursions from the DA, our team will advocate for the arguments raised in the Principal Objection, raising planning concerns with Council where necessary.

    iObject will provide the following services during the post-determination phase:

    • Ongoing communication and engagement with the relevant Council assessment officer and Council solicitors (on behalf of the Client).

    • Preparation of expert evidence (as required).

    • Attendance (including any associated costs for travel) at the site inspection and on-site oral submissions at the invitation of council solicitors (as required).

    • Court Appeal Update – regular monthly report